Test dates for October 2025 and January 2026 have now been announced. Please see our Keys Dates.

UAT-UK will offer a new Test of Academic Reasoning for University Admission (TARA) for 2026 entry.

More information on TARA will be published in April. See our statement on the homepage.

Test Day

It is important to read this information carefully ahead of your scheduled test to ensure your test day runs as smoothly as possible. It is your responsibility to make sure you are familiar with the test rules and UAT-UK policies.

A lady standing with a notebook and a coffee mug.

Before you attend your test centre

If you are aware of anything that might affect your performance on the day, or your ability to attend your test, such as illness, injury, or personal circumstances, you should refer to our Special Consideration Policy and report these to UAT-UK before you attend your test booking.
By attending your test, without prior communication to UAT-UK, you are declaring yourself fit to test and UAT-UK will not normally take action where illness, injury or personal circumstances are reported to us after testing.

You should also ensure you are familiar with our Test Incident Policy. This applies if you fall ill during your test, or there are any significant disturbances to your test, such as a fire alarm or technical issues. If a problem is not reported during your test, UAT-UK will not normally take any action. If a problem affects your test, make sure you obtain an incident case number before you leave the test centre.

Test Rules

Please ensure you are familiar with the UAT-UK Misconduct Policy

  • Each candidate is only permitted to sit each UAT-UK test once per admission cycle. One admission cycle consists of the October and January test sittings. Any attempt to register or sit either test again will be considered misconduct.
  • You have a responsibility to other candidates to ensure that you do not cause any unnecessary disturbances or excessive noise during your test.
  • You should not attempt to bring into the test any personal item that isn’t on the Pearson VUE Permitted Comfort Aids list or hasn’t had prior approval under our Access Arrangements Policy.
  • You must not share or discuss the test with anyone else.
  • You must ensure all personal information provided to UAT-UK is correct, to the best of your knowledge and any attempts to provide incorrect or fraudulent information will be deemed misconduct.
  • You must follow the rules and instructions set out by test centre staff.

Admission Policy and Test Centre Procedures

Admission and Check-In Policy

Our full Admission and Photo ID Policy can be found here.

You should ensure you have planned your travel to your test centre accordingly and arrive at your test centre 30 minutes ahead of your scheduled test sitting.

If you arrive more than 15 minutes late for your appointment, you may be refused admission, and the test fees will be forfeited.

Upon arrival, you will be asked to present:

  • One form of original (no photocopies or photographs), unexpired, photographic ID that meets the requirements of this policy. Please see below for accepted forms of ID.
  • Your appointment confirmation email from Pearson VUE (electronic or printed)

No personal items may be taken into the testing room. This includes all bags, books not authorised by the sponsor, notes, phones, pagers, watches, and wallets.

If you are unable to present the required forms of photo ID, as outlined in our Admission and Photo ID Policy, you will not be permitted to test. You will not be eligible for a refund and will only be able to re-book subject to test centre availability.

ID Requirements

Candidates will be asked to present one form of ID that meets the stated requirement in our Admission and Photo ID Policy and is listed as an accepted government-issued ID.

Permitted forms of ID:

  • Passport – accepted at any test centre.
  • Photo-card driver’s licence (full or provisional) – accepted in the country of issue.
  • EU ID card – accepted in EU test centres (not the UK).
  • Government issued ID card – accepted in the country of issue.

Test Centre Procedures

When you arrive for your test, your photo ID will be checked by staff and your photograph will be taken for security purposes.

You will be asked to read the test rules and sign them.

You will be asked to leave any personal items in a designated area outside the test room. This will include all bags, books, notes, and electronics (including electronic watches), as well as any other items not on the list of Permitted Comfort Aids or with prior approval under our Access Arrangements Policy.

Food and drink (including water) is also not permitted in the test room unless prior approval has been given.

Staff will make a visual inspection of your person, as well as any permitted comfort aids, coloured overlays, ear plugs and permitted medical items. This is for security purposes.

Test centre receptions are restricted to test takers only for security reasons. Waiting areas are not provided for anyone accompanying you to the test centre.

After check-in is completed, you will be taken into the testing room and allocated a numbered desk at which you will find a PC, keyboard and mouse as well as an erasable notebook and pen for rough work. Your notebook must be wiped clean and left at your desk after testing.

You may be recorded for security purposes during your test.

If you need a break (e.g. to use the toilets), raise your hand to notify the invigilator. Unless you have been approved for pause-the-clock breaks, the test cannot be paused. You will lose time when out of the room.

Candidates are advised to look at Pearson’s Test Centre Tour and watch this video to see what a UK Pearson VUE test centre looks like and what to expect on arrival.

If you have any concerns over the check-in process, please contact Pearson VUE Customer Services at least 5 working days before your test.

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