Test dates for October 2025 and January 2026 have now been announced. Please see our Keys Dates.

UAT-UK will offer a new Test of Academic Reasoning for University Admission (TARA) for 2026 entry.

More information on TARA will be published in April. See our statement on the homepage.

About UAT-UK

UAT-UK is a not-for-profit organisation that owns and delivers three computer-based undergraduate admissions tests: the Engineering and Science Admissions Test (ESAT), the Test of Academic Reasoning for Admissions (TARA), and the Test of Mathematics for University Admission (TMUA).

A woman sitting at a desk using a laptop computer

UAT-UK was established in 2023, as a joint venture between Imperial College London and the University of Cambridge, with the aim of improving the experience of students applying for highly competitive undergraduate courses whilst helping universities to fairly assess the skills of the highest achieving applicants.

It is run day-to-day by a dedicated UAT-UK team, with the founding institutions having oversight via the Board of Directors.

UAT-UK tests are delivered by Pearson VUE, through their global network of more than 5,500 locations in more than 180 countries. Pearson VUE is the certification and licensure arm of Pearson, one of the world’s leading learning companies, providing assessment services to many institutions in the academic and admissions space.

The ESAT and the TMUA are entirely multiple choice, computer-based tests that run in two test sittings per year, October and January, thereby catering to both the UCAS equal consideration dates, the October UCAS deadline used by Cambridge, and the January UCAS deadline used by other universities.

Our test pages on the ESAT and the TMUA will help to guide you through your journey with UAT-UK, from who needs to sit a test, to test booking and results.

The TARA will test non-subject specific skills, such as critical thinking, problem solving and effective communication. More details on the TARA will be provided on our website in late April.

UAT-UK for Institutions

The ESAT and the TMUA are used by a number of universities as part of their admissions processes for 2025 entry.

The questions in both the ESAT and the TMUA can be used as a trusted benchmark, helping institutions to fairly compare both home and overseas students with a broad range of qualifications.

If you are a university interested in using one or both of the UAT-UK for 2026 entry and beyond, or want to request more information about the tests, please use the form below to contact us.

Contact UAT-UK about Using Our Tests

Please note this form is for universities only. Candidates needing to contact UAT-UK should use the form on the UAT-UK Policies page.