Test dates for October 2025 and January 2026 have now been announced. Please see our Keys Dates.

UAT-UK will offer a new Test of Academic Reasoning for University Admission (TARA) for 2026 entry.

More information on TARA will be published in April. See our statement on the homepage.


The Test of Mathematics for University Admission

Register for the TMUA (from 1 August 2024)

What you need to know

Who has to sit the test?

If you are applying to study Mathematics or a mathematics -related degree such as Economics and Computer Science at certain universities, you may need to take the TMUA. You must check the university webpages for your chosen course to see if the TMUA is required. Failure to register for your admissions test may invalidate your application.

Why sit the test?

With many strong applicants for a limited number of places, the TMUA helps to identify those who are most likely to thrive on their chosen course. It can be used for interview shortlisting and in the selection and offer-making stages of the admissions process.

How is it scored?

Results for the TMUA are reported on a scale that runs from 1 (low) to 9 (high) with scores being reported to one decimal place. This allows scores on different versions of the test in different test sittings to be reported on a common scale. There is no pass/fail score for the TMUA, and scores are typically used alongside other information provided as part of your university application.

Test Format

The TMUA lasts 2 hours 30 minutes in total. It is divided into two papers.

Test Format
Paper What does it test? Content Duration

Paper 1: Applications of Mathematical Knowledge

Assesses your ability to apply your knowledge of mathematics in new situations.

20 multiple-choice questions

75 minutes

Paper 2: Mathematical Reasoning

Assesses your ability to deal with mathematical reasoning, and simple ideas from elementary logic.

20 multiple-choice questions

75 minutes

Good to know

You will not be able to use a calculator or dictionary.

There is no pass or fail for the TMUA. You should aim to do the best you can.

Your final scores are based on the number of correct answers you give. You do not lose marks for wrong answers, so it’s worth attempting all questions.

How to Prepare

The focus of the TMUA is on mathematical thinking and reasoning skills. It uses mathematics that you are likely to have already learned in your school studies, so the best way to prepare is to familiarise yourself with the test format and style of questions. We recommend that you read the test specification, Notes on Logic and Proof, and answer the practice test under timed conditions.

View TMUA Resources

Candidate Support

UAT-UK is committed to removing barriers to entry. Bursaries are available to UK candidates in financial need, and we can work with you to ensure you have the appropriate access arrangements for your test.

Bursary Scheme

Our bursaries are available to UK candidates. To be eligible you, or your parent/guardian, must meet certain criteria and be able to provide the required documentation. Bursaries, where granted, will cover the full cost of your test. Make sure you apply for this before you book your test. We will not be able to reimburse you after you have paid for a test.

Access Arrangements

You should let us know if you require any access arrangements for your test and provide appropriate documentary evidence. Make sure you apply for this before you book your test. We will not be able to make adjustments to the test when you arrive at the test centre.

Preparation Materials

Our tests are based on the science and mathematics that you are likely to have already learned in your school studies, and we provide free preparation materials so that all candidates can familiarise themselves with the style of questions and identify topics where revision might be needed.

TMUA for Universities

The TMUA is currently used by the universities shown for selection to some courses in Mathematics, Economics and Computer Science.

You must refer to the relevant course pages of each institution’s website to find out if the courses you are applying to require the TMUA. Failure to register for the TMUA where it is compulsory may invalidate your application.

Depending on the University to which you are applying, the TMUA may be a compulsory part of your application, or it may be optional. Make sure you know the requirements for the specific courses to which you intend to apply.

If you are applying to Cambridge and are required to sit the TMUA you must sit it in the October test sitting. All other candidates can choose whether to sit the test in October or January.

How to Register

You must register in advance to sit the TMUA. Ensure you are familiar with our key dates and deadlines. You will sit the TMUA at a Pearson VUE test centre which you will select at the point of registration. The TMUA costs £75 for candidates in the UK and Republic of Ireland, and £130 for candidates sitting elsewhere.


Before the test

Scheduling a test is a straight-forward two-step process. First, you must create a UAT-UK account with Pearson VUE. Test booking will open 10 weeks ahead of each sitting. Make sure you know which test and/or modules are needed for the courses you are applying to. You will then need to log on and book the TMUA and/or the ESAT. Free practice materials are available to help you prepare for your test.


On the day

You will sit your test at a Pearson VUE test centre of your choosing. Make sure you are familiar with our test day information.


After the test

You will be notified when your test results are available to you via your UAT-UK account. This will be approximately six weeks after your test sitting. Results will automatically be sent to any TMUA institutions included in your UCAS application.